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How to be your own attorney as a pro se litigant

by | Mar 1, 2024 | Legal Self Help

Two 3d men sitting discussing settlement case

Reading time: 3 minutes.

If you have a civil legal dispute to pursue, take these seven steps and you will be well on your way to resolution:


  1. Obtain Legal Self Help tools to guide you.

    You will require legal coaching to equip you with the tools to become your own attorney. This resource will provide you with an ample arsenal.

    Plaintiff searching with a magnifying glass for the right defendants to sue in civil court for thier judgement collection to be the most sucessful

  2. Get a legal evaluation.

    Legal evaluation of your case is a must.  This resource gives you something better than free legal advice.  With it you get a comprehensive case analysis and a feasibility rating.

  3. Determine how much your case is worth.

    Lawsuit Analyzer determines gross, recoverable, and net damages so you can decide if it is financially worth it to pursue your case.  It is better than legal aid since it looks at your case with feasibility and collectability in mind. describes the process.

  4. Determine where and when to file your claim.

    The statute of limitations, jurisdiction, and venue can be quite challenging to evaluate. Lawsuit Analyzer decides this for you., venue and statute of limitations define where your case home is

  5. Is Small Claims available for your claim?

    Lawsuit Analyzer determines whether Small Claims court is available to you by matching up your damages with the Small Claims Court in your state. often you are a winner in small claims court

  6. If Small Court is not your forum, go to Alternative Dispute Resolution.

    It’s worth it to both you and your opponent to do everything you can to agree to ADR. Alternative Dispute Resolution requires a written agreement as this free resource describes,

    Person showing they had the ADR solution.

  7. Enter the upper civil courts if the above steps do not apply.

    It is a risky venture for a pro se litigant to access the superior courts. This resource will help you move in another direction or enter at your own risk with tools to guide you through.


Lawsuit Analysis is your Legal Self Help Resource where you come to analyze your legal dispute with Lawsuit Analyzer© , a legal operating system featured on Good Morning America, CNBC, CBN and recommended by the American Arbitration Association, then are guided to the appropriate forum to resolve your dispute and the steps to take.